Monday, May 2, 2011


Well this week consisted of yes another bundle of lessons that are just ridiculously awesome because me and my companion are completely cool with our people and know how to talk to them. This area in V.E.S is so cool and the people are so much more humble and willing to listen and i love seeing the change in people. I loved Surco and my ward members there but man this area tops it by 30 investigators and the ward and leaders are so much more active in the missionary work. Well this week we completed our personal goal of 35 lessons! which is yes a personal best! It was awesome, although we didn't baptize anyone this week we did set baptisms for the 7th, 14th, and 21st of this month. One of our investigators named Pedro was a dud for my first two weeks and then all of a sudden decided he would try to do what we asked him. the last three weeks he has been rolling and is set for baptism in 3 weeks. haha... also this week we got to teach 6 new investigators.. Now the first one was a little girl like 12 years old who lives with her cousin, who is a member. she is just trying to learn and then says she wants to be baptized in a couple weeks because she loves how her cousin is and wants to be like her.. this girl is really smart she has read all of first Nephi and it has only been a week. she seems like she understands what we are saying to her. it is crazy how many little kids want to know the truth and the true church. Then we were teaching one of our older investigators Carmen and she is set for baptism the 21st, so that is awesome. but wait during our lesson with her the other day she brought 2 friends to listen.. one of which came back for the second lesson yesterday. her name is Veronica and she is really interested in repentance and changing her life and doing more of what the Lord wants for her. so we taught her and it was just really cool how she reacted, she was really listening to the words we were saying, and she is going to keep listening! we are excited about her. Then on Wednesday we went to a person me and my district leader contacted and we went in and sung the hymn, i know that my reedemer lives,, ya she was crying by the third verse.. it is awesome how strong the spirit is in this area and how strong it can really be in our lives when we try to live right. As long as we are keeping the commandments and reading the words that are here for us we will have so much more of an understanding of the gospel. i learned this week how to use the footnotes in the book of mormon.. now i mean i knew how to use them, but i never really used them and learned the bible and that kind of stuff. but it is crazy how much the bible says that people just don't understand!! Then lastly,,last night we went to another guy that wanted to talk to us about the bible.. well we were talking to him but he was doing all the talking about the bible and saying prophets couldn't have been in the Americas. that would just be ridiculous so after about fifteen minutes i stood up, cause we were outside sitting down but he was standing, and just told him look our message is that we have the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world. we are the same church Christ established when he was here, and we are here to share the message that God restored this church and prophets to help us in our crazy world. then we gave him a book of mormon and said if you want to know the truth read this..and so ya we will see how that goes. but, you gotta be bold to be out here and that is what I did yesterday... I felt like kevin convincing someone of something... it was weird but cool..
Love Elder Farrmooreawesome

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