Monday, March 28, 2011


"Well my momma told me alligators are angry cause they got all them
teeth and no toothbrush..."

Now family you might ask why i would start my letter with a quote that
i have not heard in forever! let me explain.. So my explanation is
this.. my companion, or should i say ex-companion, always said crazy
things like that. Things that his mom had taught him like
you can't eat and then shower because if you do you will feel sick.
your body is concentrating on the water that is hitting your body more than digesting the food. so the food just sits there and then you are sick..there are other ones but that is the only one that i can remember
right now, but they are all hilarious.. And now the big news for the
day is that i have CHANGED MY AREA! it was really sad to leave the
area and elder tello.. i said my goodbyes to my favorite families that
are in chacarillas and it was not fun to leave my pensionista because
she is awesome and she took good care of us. My new companion is elder rivasplata.. and my new area is laderas de villa.. it is a much poorer area and my companion says that it is his worst house he has had in his one year so far in the mission. but it actually seems pretty awesome.. i guess i will find out how it really is later, but i already like it because it doesn't have freakin bunk beds. which just makes me happy because i really did not like the bunk beds in our first place. Also
this week we had 4 investigators come to the capilla in chacarillas so
that was really cool. but now i am gone and my companion needs to write
me to tell me how it all goes with them. the area over there was
not changing so i am pretty happy to have a new area.. my companion
told me we have tons of investigators and it is almost always in this
area that they get baptized.. he said he had 6 baptisms last month and
so i am really looking forward to knowing some more people.. It is
crazy that my brother nate dog is leaving for the mission this week. i
can't believe i left 5 months ago.. i don't think about my time very
often but it has been five months and i get to call home in may!! that
will be my six month mark. just like sports i get to call at
the end of the first quarter and lets be real in sports the first
quarter always feels the longest, so we will see if that is true also.
but time is flying and it is awesome out here..
And last and most important... this week is my mommas birthday!! the
best mom in the world gets to celebrate yet another birthday without
one of her sons. but i think these are her favorite birthdays because
she gets letters that say how amazing she is and how much we love her.
it is so true that my mom is amazing! she has done everything for me
and i can't do anything without her. there are so many reasons that she
is the best but most of all is because she loves me and my family and
keeps all of us close and not fighting. she only wants for us to all be
happy together and she holds our family together.. i had a lady we
were teaching in chacarillas and all her kids were baptized but she
wasn't and she said it is ok, all i want is for them to be happy. all
i could do was bear my testimony that wanting the best for your kids
is all well and good, but they want the best for you.. they don't want
to be in the celestial kingdom without their mom.. it just isn't the
same.. life isn't the same without my mom and it is so much better when
she is happy. so i know that my mom is amazing and that she
is an angel for our family.. love you tons mom!. you don't even know...

Love your favorite elder Farrmooreawesome

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