Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day after Mother's Day Call

Well it sure was awesome to talk to all of you guys yesterday!! And how awesome is the news that Brinly and Amy are pregnant that is super awesome and i was really happy to see and hear all that is going on.. So this week as i told you we were able to have 4 people in church and we had 12 lessons so not a crazy ammount but at the same time it seems like we are improving in the area we are really trying to work with the branch down here because in the last year there have been 37 baptisms and 3 of them are active.. So the branch doenst seem to understand their job and what they need to do.. Also to be honest i actually feel like i am doing the best job i can as a dl It isnt as bad as i had made it out to be.. It is really fun to just try and help and make the missionaries in my district work and it sure seems like it is working because the missionaries in my district who didnt have anyone to baptize and they were going to close the area where they are, now have 6 people with baptismal dates and 4 of them are for this week.. So it has actually been really cool to help them progress and put more people with baptismal dates.. My job normally consists of just calling to see how they are all doing and asking if i can help them and keep them animated in what they are doing.. It is actually really cool.. and with the call from yesterday no they werent bothering me to get off but i didnt want to take too much time because sister prices´ kids had to call her still and so it would have been sad if they couldnt have talked to their kids on her day... haha but no it was just really cool to see you all and hear all of you talk and it was just awesome.. and well i knew i had the coolest family sister in laws included it is awesome to see that you are all doing well and working hard... And ya that was my week and what my job is as a district leader.. hope you have a great week and i know i will.. and now it is just work work work and then all of it will come to an end one of these days and that will be sad.. i love this work and i know that it is the work of the lord and i love the book of mormon i would recommend reading it, but not just reading it but searching it.. It is incredible. I love you all so much Love Elder Farr+Moore+Orth+Waite+Future Farah+Whitehead Squared=Awesome this reminds me.. Steven,,, you arent going to be on the future side after this week and i just want to tell you that this will be the best two years of your life.. Ya some times will be tuff and will make you think but the good times far outway the bad and you will grow as a person as you dedicate your life to the lord.. it all starts now and i love you brother give your all and just enjoy the time that you have to learn and share the gospel, and salvation to all... Work hard..

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