Monday, November 28, 2011

After Thanksgiving

Alright Family!!!
I love you all sooo much.. I feel super awesome when i open my e mail and see letters from all of the fam,, or almost all of the fam, Korey and Kevin cough cough....wink wink... haha no but i know you love me. Anyway this week was really super awesome not gonna lie. It was really fun because i am now working really well with my companion and that is just making life and the mission super cool. I realized that i havent had a cool companion that really pushed to work harder and harder and talking with all the people possible since i was with Elder Rivasplata. Like i mean i have been working hard but not pushing myself like i should have been.. I mean the mission isnt easy unless your not trying.. you can quote me on that. But i love having a companion that is pushing me and not the other way around, because i dont want to make my companions mad or anything but now i am super happy and working awesomely hard. Anyway this week was pretty interesting. it started off normal working hard telling the youth in the ward that we are going to be giving them responsibilities and having them go and pick up the investigators. they can do more than just companion us and show up in the church. So the last 2 weeks we have been improving this. And well this week not very many people came to church, but it wasnt because we werent working hard and that makes me happy. Other thing that happened this week, We were up in another area that is 20 minutes from the center of our area and we were talking to a sister that we are teaching with her husband. her husband hadnt come home yet so we were just talking to her outside and then two sisters from her evangelical church came up. well we were talking to them for half an hour or something and then we invited them to pray to know that we are missionaries from the only true church in the world. they didnt like that so much! they started yelling and saying that there is no such thing as only one true church. they went on to say that the church they represent isnt true in those words exactly and then they started to cast us away raising their arms in the air saying get thee hence satan. we were calmly talking and they were screaming and i seriously felt like they were full of the devil. it was incredible the difference between them and us. It was a little bit freaky but i told the sister we were talking to i was sorry but we gotta go. we arent here to fight with people about the truth. then the ladies were yelling and laughing why are we gonna ask some dead people for the truth, referring to the book of mormon. ya we just left them there yelling.. it was pretty crazy, one of the weirdest experiences i have ever had. Then this week for thanksgiving i bought a double portion of fries and enjoyed eating them.. hahaha thanksgiving doesnt exist... any way that was my fun experience for the week... I love you all so much and i know this church is true and even more so when all i could do with these sisters that were yelling, was testify of the truth.. i have never felt my testimony so strong, it was a true testimony that i was sharing with them, and they didnt want to hear it... but i love this work and working harder and harder every day.
Love your Favorite.. Elder Farr

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