Monday, September 26, 2011

A lesson learned

Well i think this was one of the slowest weeks of my mission up to this point, let me inform you why.. Well i want to start off saying i love my companion..... when he isnt mad for no reason. but this week he was mad almost the whole week and i really just dont know why, and he didnt want to talk to me much at all. i have learned that when there is nobody to talk to things are really slow down. But on the bright note this week was really cool, in many other ways. To start off we had youth that wanted to come with us each day so that helped with my companion and i because together we just werent working well together. So the youth in this ward are super cool they remind me of our ward back at home with all of us super awesome people. This week was even cooler because we had the chance to hear from one of the new seventy for our area.. elder weddel. his whole message to us is there is always one more person that we need to go out and find. if we find that one then there is another one. So I really learned a lot about patience and diligence this week. i would recommend first reading Alma 32..28-45 because those verses really got me thinking about how when we are starting to practice something new, it is just having the faith to put the seed in the ground. what we need to do is make the seed grow and that includes the difficult times. so ya this week was tough but we had a lot more lessons and i learned lessons myself that i know will have a major affect in my life. I am so grateful for this time i have to grow and make myself stronger as a person. I love hearing all of the testimonies and prayers of our investigators because i can feel them growning ( I think he meant growing) with every visit. we are still working on putting more people with baptismal dates. but i love this area and my companion. we are doing better now which i am sure you will be happy to hear. i know i am because i know we are so much more effective when we really put our heart in the work.. like it says in D and C 64 the lord requires our heart. and that means all of our time needs to be dedicated to him, helping find his children, and teach the gospel that we have in our lives.. i love it...

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