Saturday, June 11, 2011


How it be family!!
Alright family so this week elder serrano and I were rocking on as normal just teaching our investigators. the big news for the week is that one of our golden investigators couldn't get baptized because she isn't married now has her wedding day set for the 17th, and we are planning her baptism for the 18th! so what up!! haha that is my awesome news for this week! now we have 2 people with baptisimal dates for the 18th. we are planning on putting dates on a few other people but we are working on planning ahead more so they aren't really all that close. our other golden investigator is progressing for her wedding also, but she still is missing a few things. but they are progressing and that is what is most important. in Surco i had investigators that were just like these two but they weren't trying to advance at all.. Also this week we got to go to the temple on Thursday, so that was really cool.. The temple is just like a quick charge and then it's time to go back out and work. Also this week i was studying in preach my gospel and i really love chapter six. i have read it a bunch of times, but this time i read it with my companion so that we could talk about each step and it was like we took an inventory, but it was just to learn and talk about how we could make our companionship better. Now i dont want to send the wrong idea because we get along really well, but it can always improve and that is what i mean, it only helps to know more about each other and learn about what might bother the other person. So this week was Kevin's birthday. i didnt get to go to church for his birthday, but I hope that it was still awesome for all of you at home. I hope that everyone is happy and livin la vida loca in the home front.. things are going on quick down here in peru and it even has something they call rain. i think it is more of a mist in the air but it feels good. everyone asks if i am cold and i just laugh... And last thing, last week i told you about the elections, well the guy won and so half the people say that the gringos are going bye bye and the other half say that he won't do that. so we will find out.. haha it is an entertaining thing to think about.. I know this church is true and i am happy that i have the opportunity to be serving in the mission field at the same time as almost all of my friends. I am thankful for the examples of all of my family and my brothers for serving missions, to motivate me to go.. i know my testimony has tripled in these seven months and it is continuing to grow.. I love you so much and hope you all have a great week.
Love your favorite...Elder Farr+Moore=Awesome

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